• Thursday, January 24, 2019 4:17:11 PM

What Is Ayurveda :

Ayurveda is a classical system of healthcare originating from the Vedas documented around 5000 years ago science and currently recognized and practiced in India and many countries of the Indian subcontinent. It is one of the oldest healthcare systems that take a holistic view of the physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects of human life, health and disease.

Scattered references of health, disease and use of natural sources for treatment were initially made in the Vedas (particularly in Rigveda and Atharvaveda) and around 5000 to 3000 B.C. the knowledge of Ayurveda was first comprehensively documented in the compendia called Charak Samhita and Sushruta Samhita. According to Ayurveda, health is considered as a basic pre-requisite for achieving the goals of life - Dharma (duties), Arth (finance), Kama (materialistic desires) and Moksha (salvation). As per the fundamental basis of Ayurveda, all objects and living bodies are composed of five basic elements, called the Pancha Mahabhootas, namely: Prithvi (earth), Jal (water), Agni (fire), Vayu (air) and Akash (ether). The philosophy of Ayurveda is based on the fundamental correlation between the universe and the man. Ayurveda imbibes the humeral theory of Tridosha- the Vata (ether + air), Pitta (fire) and Kapha (earth + water), which are considered as the three physiological entities in living beings responsible for all metabolic functions. The mental characters of human beings are attributable to Satva, Rajas and Tamas, which are the psychological properties of life collectively terms as Triguna. Ayurveda aims to keep structural and functional entities in a state of equilibrium, which signifies good health (Swasthya). Any imbalance due to internal or external factors leads to disease and the treatment consists of restoring the equilibrium through various procedures, regimen, diet, medicines and behavior change.

The treatment approach in the Ayurveda system is holistic and individualized having preventive, curative, mitigative, recuperative and rehabilitative aspects. The preventive aspect of Ayurveda is called Svasth-Vritta and includes personal hygiene, daily and seasonal regimens, appropriate social behavior and use of materials & practices for healthy aging and prevention of premature loss of health attribute. The curative treatment consists of Aushadhi (drugs), Ahara (diet) and Vihara (life style). Ayurveda largely uses plants as raw materials for the manufacture of drugs, though materials of animal and marine origin, metals and minerals are also used. Ayurvedic medicines are generally safe and have little or no known adverse side-effects, if manufactured properly and consumed judiciously following necessary dos and don'ts.


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